Saturday, May 2, 2015

May 2: National Truffle Day

Some days, you just need to eat chocolate. Have you seen posts on FB or other social media websites where people upload their photo to this website, and it tells you how old you look and your gender? It's called How-old. Anyways, this robot thing they use to calculate your estimated age, keeps on way overestimating my age. Like in, they thought I was an 81 year old man. That's why I needed to eat chocolate. Because now I'm afraid I look like an 81 year old man. I'm a 22 year old lady just to clarify. It wasn't bad enough they thought I looked 81. They also thought I look like a guy.

My friend Allison was the one uploading pictures and she kept texting me pictures with the result. I showed some to my mom. This was her answer:

Mom: "Well they keep thinking you are an old person because your mouth is always hanging open in pictures. Old people always have their mouths hanging open in pictures."

Now I don't know if all people have their mouths hanging open in pictures. But I do know one specific older gentleman who ALWAYS has his mouth wide open. I won't say any names because he might one day read this. And it might be true that my mouth is often open (in a wide grin) in pictures because if I try to smile normally, it looks forced, and I have a squinty eye. But I don't think that's the reason I look old.

This one wasn't too bad. I apparently only look 35. I can live with that. And yes, my mouth is wide open. I'm happy. I was at a college football game. Kudos if you can guess what team I was rooting for! Also, I think out of all the photos, I look the most like a man in this one.

This one is even better! 27! They have the correct first digit. And yes, my mouth is open again.

I'm wearing purple and green sunglasses. How the heck do I resemble a man? And 81?!?!? Come on! I mean, I know my hair is pretty short, but still! I'm surprised they didn't give Daisy Duck an age. But my friend uploaded a photo of her, and it gave her fox back pack an age of 29! Notice how I'm smiling, and my mouth isn't hanging wide open? Kudos to me! 81?! I just can't get over this.

Anyways, after all this silly nonsense, it's a good thing it was National Truffle Day and I had a reason to eat a chocolate truffle.

Notice how this truffle is in my hand and not all fancy looking on a plate. I barely remembered to snap a picture before I devoured it. I hope you ate a truffle on National Truffle Day (either the mushroom type or the candy type). And I hope this post made you laugh. Let me know if you try the How-Old photo thing and if the age was accurate for you.

Good thing chocolate makes everything better. Heck if I look like an 81 year old, I hope I don't act like one!

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