Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19: National Amaretto Day

I have a very exciting post coming for this day, Amaretto French Toast! However, I can't make it today because I am going out to dinner. But it's scheduled to be for dinner tomorrow night! So I will post then. It sounds absolutely superb.

But, I did mix amaretto with my coffee this afternoon. It was good, but it didn't have the strongest flavor but that's probably because my coffee is naturally strong.

I didn't have amaretto on hand at home. Neither did my parents. Yes, I raided their liquor supply. Considering I am only 22, my liquor supply is almost more impressive than theirs. I went to the local liquor store (here in Oregon you can't buy liquor in a grocery store, you have to go to a liquor store. This is one of the things I miss the most about California. But on the other hand, liquor in Oregon doesn't have sales tax. You just can't have everything in life!)

First of all, the boy in the liquor store didn't know his liquor. I use the word boy because he was very young looking and not that knowledgeable. I just wanted a very small bottle of amaretto. He hands me something else and says, "I think this is amaretto." It was called something else. He then yells into the back room and asks if this amaretto. I told him amaretto has an almond flavoring. He leads us into an liquor aisle where this is a large bottle of amaretto and next to it, this other thing he had previously shown me but in a bigger size. So I bought the smaller bottle of the other thing which we determined is a fancy Italian version of amaretto(?) (We kind of just made this up, I'm not sure if this is correct). However, upon tasting it at home, it is definitely flavored almond! Very very strong almond flavor in fact. I fancied it upon tasting! My mom really liked it!

Note: Upon doing some research on the internet, it turns out this Disaronno liquor is amaretto-flavored. It also claims that it's original amaretto flavored formula is unchanged since 1525. This old stuff is good! So the liquor store boy, while seemingly unknowledgeable, might know a little more than I gave him credit for.

Long story short, amaretto is tasty. Buy some!


  1. I didn't know Oregon doesn't sell liquor in grocery stores. Interesting.

    1. Yeah I don't know why. And some times the liquor stores are really sketchy!
