Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1: National Sourdough Bread Day

April 1. A new month. It also happens to be April Fool's Day, but sadly, this year, I didn't actually pull any jokes on any one. When I was in elementary school, I hid marbles in random pairs of my dad's rolled up socks. He found some of them immediately. I guess he doesn't routinely rotate through his socks, because he was still finding marbles occasionally a year later!

I thought I would make sourdough bread today because I love using our bread machine. However, I then realized I either had to make sourdough bread starter a week ago, or use a sourdough bread starter from a store. I had neither. Good thing I had some frozen sourdough bread in the freezer though. That was a life saver.

I simply defrosted it, popped it in the toaster for a bit, lightly buttered the bread, sprinkled a bit of cinnamon and sugar on top, and there you go, tasty sourdough bread!

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